Jenna Torrence Bk 1

Jenna’s story has been written! Woohoo! It’s in about a draft 3 state, which means I have sent it to my editor and am incorporating the feedback now. The edits are not too extensive, so I don’t think it’ll take me too long to finish it up. I’m about 20% of the way through the edits to the story itself. Once I’m done with that, I’ll work on the prose and editing, formatting, cover art, and everything else you need to have to publish! More to come!

Diary of a Deity Bk 3

I'm about 86K words into Diary of a Deity Book 3. I had a difficult time writing this book at first, and then I realized it was because the plot didn't work for me. So, a couple of weeks ago, I went through and re-plotted the entire book. I LOVE how it turned out, and since then, the writing has been much smoother. Because this is more fantasy adventure/romance than paranormal, it has a much higher word count. That means that I'm about 57% through my first draft.